In appliance repair, your customers do not typically come to your store. Many owners work right out of their homes to keep costs down. Word of mouth and referrals will always lead to new business but you need to ensure that a random customer can not only find you online but can navigate your company website. We sometimes get feedback suggesting that a customer can just call if they can’t find something on their website. That’s a very disastrous attitude since the owner of the appliance repair business will have no way of determining how many customers are getting frustrated with a design and just moving on to a different company. Sure they can call, but what about after normal business hours? Are they able to message you through Facebook or Twitter? Are they able to view the information easily on a mobile device? If you answer no to any of these, then we suggest reaching out to your marketer and IT team members. If you have none on staff, then consider asking us to help your company out!
Even the manufacturers know this and they have hundreds of independent dealers to help sell their products. Each manufacturer only has so much influence over a dealer and how they push their products. JD Power conducted a study on how easy company websites are to use for the highest volume dealers and appliance manufacturers.
GE Appliances and LG Appliances, both took top spots in terms of desktop design. Best Buy and Lowes took the tops spots for dealers on desktop design.
Samsung has the number one spot for mobile design and HHGregg has the best rated website according to JD Power for mobile website design.
Just like managing a brick and mortar storefront, a website is an ongoing expense as you work to make improvements and fix bugs from software updates. We have put together affordable pricing on website design, SEO, analytics and content creation to scale to any budget.